Indian Vedic Astrologers give supreme importance to the moon sign (also known as your ‘Rashi’) in the birth chart.
Moon impacts mind of a person – emotions, feelings, thinking, behaviour, attitude etc and hence plays a very important role. Moon sign also represent the long term love relationships of a person by representing how they emotionally connect with others.
The first letter of the name that a baby is given during is directly related to the baby’s moon sign. It is advisable to keep name that starts with the given letter, for the maximum impact of the moon sign on the child.
Moon Sign plays an equally important role, if not more, as your Sun Sign especially in Indian Vedic Astrology system. It changes in every two and a half days and hence becomes a more accurate descriptor of us and our life than the sun sign (which changes once in a month). Astrology is a lot more than your Sun Sign!
If you do not know your Moon Sign or Rashi, find it for free by filling your Birth Details here. (We will send you your Horoscope details, note it down for future references.)
Gemini Moon Sign Vedic Astrology
Lively at heart, Talkative, Charming and Creative Mind describes a Gemini moon at its best! You know how to charm anyone with your words. You can manipulate words to use them for your advantage – for good or for bad. No one can beat you at it!
You find it very difficult to make up your mind, especially with so many options in hand and because you want the best of everything. It is very difficult to know the real you, with your fluctuating emotions, feelings and even personalities.
Highly optimistic and full of life, it is hard to find you in a depressing mood. Even the hard times fail to spoil your good mood for long. And this is what you look for in your marriage partner too.
You may come across as irresponsible but with so much to do in life and so little time, who has got time to do the mundane activites? Your mind is always on run, jumping from one idea to another, from one task to another. You can hardly keep still.
You are a curious person, an information-house and are great at communication even to the extent of using them as your favorite but subtle weapon!
You need a person to talk about your emotions – but hardly ever go in depth to understand them. You only stay at the surface of anything and do not like to dig further. You can easily strike conversation with anyone and hang out as well.
Don’t know your Moon Sign? Click here to know your moon sign for free along with a brief prediction.
Gemini Moon Sign Compatibility with other Moon Signs
Moon Sign defines your long term relationships and also determine your success and failure in a relationship. Moon sign compatibility is a very important factor to consider in any love or marriage relationship.
Below is a table showing brief compatibility between Gemini moon sign and other moon signs according to Indian Vedic Astrology

Extremely social, you find it easy to make friends and are always in the need for company. It is very upsetting for you to sit or be alone, except when you are pissed off. Easily bored, you need variety and excitement around you even in a relationship.
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